It seems we’re afraid of change. We spend the first 5-21 years of our life craving change and then BAM!! we become adults and all of a sudden, we stop welcoming the uncertainty and uncomfortable feeling that comes along with change. This morning I was meeting with a leader at the More Life Center–a center at our church that is designed to help people change their lives. We are planning an expansion of our facility and our programming to facilitate change. We have a program called the More Life Plan where an individual will meet with a Life Champion on a regular business to take a realistic look of their current life, an inventory of their dreams and begin to connect the two. And the cost? ZERO! Nada! Nothing! I think we would find more participants if we charged a fee. I don’t know the exact numbers but only 1-10% of our guests ever apply and enter the More Life Plan.

Today we discussed a much larger organization doing similar work as the More Life Center but serving 100 guests a day. That’s amazing! We’re talking 100×20=2,000 guests per month. Guess how many men, women, and families are in their “advanced life plan/change” program. 10. I said ten. Do you hear me!? TEN. What in the world is going on here?

People say “change” but they also know the definition: “discomfort, anxiety, unknown, uncertainty” and as soon as they feel any of the definition, they start saying what they really want “familiar”. They will even stay when the familiar is BAD because BAD isn’t as bad as “discomfort, anxiety, unknown, uncertainty”. So get it through your skull. You can go through this “discomfort, anxiety, unknown, uncertainty” and find better. Be willing to change. Find support in that change by binding up with others in a church group, mastermind, friends, family, and neighbors.

He who trusts in his own heart is a fool,
But he who walks wisely will be delivered.
–Proverbs 28:26

When you run alone, you run fast, but when you run together you run far.
–Zambian Proverb

Take it! Slow down and run far, for your family, for your children, for yourself.

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