The blue skies are just starting to peek through the clouds after the storm, and it got me thinking about the storms we create in our own lives. How often do we generate our own challenges and then blame others for them? Or want to or try to blame them?
This past weekend, Tony Robbins shared a powerful concept: where your focus goes, your energy flows. This idea ties in with the importance of asking good questions, something I taught my son about a year ago. If you ask good questions, you’ll get good answers. It’s all about the quality of your inquiries.
Bad questions are those that focus on the negative, the ungrateful, or the bad side. When setting goals, it’s crucial to frame them positively. Instead of saying “quit eating” or “don’t do this,” ask yourself what you’re going to do to achieve your desired outcome. For example, rather than asking, “Why am I so fat?” (a bad question that keeps you focused on being overweight), ask, “How do I get thin?” This shifts your attention to the solution and the actions you need to take.
Asking good questions sets us on a positive path, looking for new and better ways to improve our lives. It sparks creativity. One of the most effective ways to do this is by having an accountability group, whether it’s a coach, a few close friends, or a full mastermind group. These people can provide feedback and help you reframe negative questions into positive ones.
Remember, where your focus goes, your energy flows. Start asking good questions to direct that energy towards changing your life and reaching your goals.