Top o’ the Mornin’ to Ya!
What motivates you more – avoiding pain or pursuing pleasure or even abundance? In our mastermind group this week, we talked about the difference between vitamins and painkillers.
If my wife has a headache at 10pm and we’re out of ibuprofen, you bet I’m running to the store! But if she just needs her daily vitamins, it can probably wait until morning. Pain avoidance is a powerful motivator.
But here’s the thing – the most successful people take that resourcefulness and creativity needed to solve urgent problems, and they apply it to creating lasting abundance. They don’t just react to pain; they proactively build a life of impact and blessing for their families and communities.
The Bible tells us to be content in all circumstances, but that doesn’t mean we should be complacent. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities to steward. If I just sit back and coast, I’m not honoring the immense worth and potential He’s placed in me. He’s done the same for you.
Consistency is key. Maybe skipping one workout or indulging in ice cream one night won’t derail you. But if those slips become a pattern, they’ll hold you back. On the flip side, consistently doing those “vitamin” activities – prayer, exercise, diet, learning – may not feel critical in the moment, but they compound over time to radically transform your life. Stack a few days of those together and build an automatic habit.
And as Christians, that abundant life is meant to point others to Jesus. Sure, we’re not perfect. I’ve had my share of un-Christlike moments! But as we cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, it will naturally overflow to bless and impact the people around us.
So pursue abundance beyond pleasure, not just relief from pain. Use your God-given creativity to build a life of purpose and impact. As you bless yourself, expand your territory, and serve His Kingdom, you’ll unlock true abundance – the kind that lasts for eternity!
You be blessed!