I’m really searching for where I need to be, where He wants me to be. I came across this in my search https://denverinstitute.org/. I keep finding instruction and guidance on faith as I consider new careers. I thought I wanted to continue simply coding.

Dan Miller challenged me to consider my gifts and where I excel and what I need to thrive. He did this through his book “No More Mondays” which I was listening to the audio verions on my way to work. I got to work just thinking what do I want? Where do I need to be? Where are my gifts? In fact, just a few weeks prior the owner of my company, Brad and I had lunch together. He suggested that I’m only able to apply 20-30% of my potential in my current position and role in the company and he didn’t know why. Well, the day went on and I was contentedly coding away making some great programs to help people in their work. At the same time, the nagging questions were still in my head: Where are my gifts and how do I use them? What is the other 70-80% Brad spoke of. “Then it came to me, like a flash, like a vision, burnt across the clouds”, at least that is how Arlo Guthrie describes it in his Motorcycle Song “I don’t want a pickle.” Ok, I’m dramatizing, it wasn’t so flashy and instant but here’s what happened. My colleague, Steve stopped by with a question on the coding he was working on. BTW, Steve is a talented MSSQL administrator and developer. We discussed where he was at, what he needed to achieve and how to get there. Together, we arrived at the solution. As he left my office I realized that in my current role, I have no teaching or leadership responsibilities. Ok, that’s a lie. I do teach and lead every day in moments like this. In moments of improving our development process. In moments of evolving our documentation methods. In moments of just stepping out and building the team. And that was it, I had the anser to the questions. Finally, peace.

The trend these last months has been bringing work and faith closer and closer together. So over the next few weeks I’m going to be frequenting this site (https://denverinstitute.org/) to gain futher insight into work and faith. Stay tuned and pray with me.

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