Six months ago, I informed my previous manager and the company owner that I was looking for work elsewhere. They have been awesome to work for and with. The owner thinks I was only able to apply 20% of my potential there so he was excited that I might move on. Needless to say and as I expected, the President and new manager were informed of my decision. The new manager didn’t like it one bit and encouraged me to come in on Monday and tell him I was no longer looking for work. I couldn’t do that. As nice as the company is, the salaries are so far below par that I needed to make a change. After the encouragement from the owner about my mysterious other 80%, I’m intrigued to find it, tap it and increase it.
For the last six months I’ve been waffling between contentment and commitment to my work and to my job hunt. In fact, once school was released, I quit actively hunting. Family comes first and summer is a blast. Business has been slow for the company altogether this year. They are in the midst of a transition from consulting small business in any technology to moving ahead as a Microsoft Managed Partner and focusing on their products and other top products while moving to the mid-space.
Lets just say I was at the company for three and a half years before this point and only missed a monthly bonus once when a ministry client was issued a discount. Notably, this project was on one of those “any technologies”. This year has been a struggle to maintain, let alone exceed bonus targets.
So today I received the good news. We have separated. Now I have the time and space to commit to finding that 80% and growing in ways that only God knows. Sure I’m scared. I didn’t have the faith to quit my job to seek my next growth. But I asked God to make it abundantly clear if I was to stay with that company. Today I have my answer. Thank you Lord!!