Top o’ the Mornin’ to Ya!
Have you ever felt like you’re getting clobbered by life, taking hit after hit? That’s how it felt watching my kids’ soccer teams this weekend. They played their hearts out but kept getting beat.
As I watched from the sidelines, I couldn’t help but draw some parallels to the bigger game of life. I saw players giving their absolute all, believing they could make a difference despite the odds. Others needed a little push from the coach to stay engaged. And some had bursts of inspiration amid the struggle.
It made me wonder – how often do we truly give our all? How much do we let our beliefs dictate our effort and results? That one kid who subbed in from one of our other teams and ran himself ragged, he fully believed he could change the game. And you know what? He did. His passion was contagious.
Too often, we limit ourselves based on what we think is possible. We stay in our comfort zones and save our “boost energy packets” for when we think we really need them. But what if we used them all the time? I bet we’d find we have a lot more in reserve than we realized.
Of course, I’m not advocating running ourselves into the ground. But I do think we’re capable of far more than we often believe. And that’s where masterminds and accountability come in.
See, left to our own devices (or the opinions of friends, family, and fools), our beliefs can get pretty skewed. We need outside perspectives to help us see our blind spots and challenge us to grow. Masterminds create space for that kind of stretching.
When you gather with folks who are committed to helping you succeed and willing to speak hard truths, it’s amazing how your vision for what’s possible can expand. You start to see yourself through fresh eyes and gain the courage to take bigger risks.
So I encourage you to take an honest look at how you’re showing up on the field of life. Are you holding anything back? Do you need some extra support to stay in the game? Don’t be afraid to ask for it!
Surround yourself with people who will help you become the best version of yourself – more abundant, impactful, and full of belief. And if you need a place to start, I’ve got a few spots left in my new mastermind. Let’s help each other stay in the arena and keep giving our all!
You be blessed!