I just finished an incredible four-day experience at Tony Robbins’ “Unleash the Power Within” event with my wife, Leah. We were jumping, yelling, and fully immersed in the experience, so much so that I nearly lost my voice by Friday!

One of my biggest takeaways from the weekend was the Master Skills for an extraordinary Life: the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment. I realized that while I’m pretty good at the science of achievement, being efficient and effective in getting things done, I haven’t focused much on the art of fulfillment. That’s actually why I attended the event and why I’m sharing this with you – I want to work on fulfillment and help others do the same.

Another major eye-opener was the emphasis on physiology, which encompasses our entire physical body, from nutrition to physical activity. I learned that the lymphatic system is three times larger than the blood system, and to keep it healthy, we should be jumping for 20-30 minutes every day. I’m adopting this practice right away, even though it will be challenging for me.

The event also stressed the importance of a plant-based diet, with 70% of our food being water-filled, like greens and vegetables. As a 52-year-old man (though most people think I’m 30 or 40!), I know I haven’t been eating the healthiest, so I’m committed to making changes, like swapping out milk for water in my oatmeal.

Fitness was another key topic, with a focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training. I’ve been doing yoga but have gotten lazy with it, so I’m looking at how to incorporate these other elements into my routine. (Her name is Jillian Michaels)

In summary, the two main areas of success are the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment. Additionally, we must remember that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit, and our (MY) physiology needs improved attention. Just as we maintain and care for a church building, we must nourish our bodies with the right fuel and not overload them.

My name’s Brian, and you be blessed!

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