Hey there, it’s Brian from lifechampion.coach. In our last chat, we talked about building better teams by focusing on “who” rather than “how,” and getting people in the right roles. Today, I want to expand on that idea and discuss how we can determine the best fit for each team member.

I’ve been reading the book “The Six Types of Working Genius” and took the assessment myself. This system helps identify people’s natural geniuses and where they fit within a team or company. The six types are wonder, discernment, enablement (which I think could be better described as encouragement), invention, galvanizing, and tenacity.

My assessment results showed that tenacity and discernment are my working genius areas, while wonder and invention are my working competencies. Galvanizing and enablement fell into my “I don’t want to do this” category.

The book is written in a engaging story format, following a team that discovered their working geniuses and started placing people in the right spots. As a result, their productivity and quality of life improved, and work became more enjoyable.

For teams working together, like in software development, business, sales, or marketing, this assessment can be incredibly valuable. The book’s story illustrates how the leader may not always be the best fit for certain roles, and that’s okay. A real team looks at each member’s strengths, passions, and what they enjoy doing, because we tend to excel at the things we love.

By assigning tasks and roles based on each person’s working genius, the team becomes more powerful and efficient. The assessment may also reveal gaps in the team’s collective geniuses, helping guide future hiring or team member shifts.

The Six Types of Working Genius can be a powerful tool for growing your family, business, and teams. After all, a family is a team too. So, grab the book and start building better teams and a better life.

As always, I’m Brian, and you be blessed.

Affiliate link for the book: https://amzn.to/3TbGSjf

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