Top o’ the Mornin’ to Ya!
Today, I’m pondering the question: Whose story are you living? In our entertainment-saturated society, it’s easy to get lost in other people’s stories through movies, books, and games. While stories can be powerful teaching tools, we often use them as mere distractions from our own lives.
I recently started reading “Hero on a Mission” by Donald Miller, which discusses four character types: victim, villain, hero, and guide. It got me thinking about our roles in our own life stories. Are we the hero of our own tale, or are we escaping into others’ narratives?
God has placed each of us in our specific circumstances for a reason. We’re meant to be the heroes of our own stories, not just passive consumers of others’. This doesn’t mean never enjoying entertainment, but it’s about finding balance and purpose.
The typical American story of working 9-to-5 and then numbing ourselves on weekends isn’t fulfilling. Instead, we should be creating value, loving what we do, and actively writing our own stories.
As Christians, we’re called to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” This means prioritizing our own spiritual journey and growth over escapism.
I challenge you (and myself) to consider: What story are you working on? Are you the hero, or have you become the victim? Remember, while we can’t control every aspect of our story, we can control our actions as the hero.
Let’s strive to be the heroes in our own stories and guides in others’. When we consume stories, let’s do it intentionally, using that inspiration to fuel positive changes in our own lives.
You are the hero of your story. Make it a good one!
You be blessed!
Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller