Top o’ the Mornin’ to Ya! I have a question for you: Are you spiritual? Really, are you spiritual?
For many years, I’ve followed Zig Ziglar’s “Wheel of Life” concept, which divides life into various accounts or areas, such as vocation, family, relationships, health, and spirituality. Recently, a pastor at our church in Hermantown, where I live, shared a sermon that completely shifted my perspective on this concept.
The pastor took the spiritual piece of the pie and wrapped it around the entire wheel, emphasizing that everything in our lives is spiritual. Our vocation, family, relationships, health, and finances all have a spiritual connection. It’s all one thing.
This idea aligns with the Biblical teaching that we should do everything as if we’re doing it for the Lord. Why? Because everyone around us is spiritual, whether they know it or not. They were created in God’s image, regardless of whether they’ve come to believe and accept God and the sacrifice Christ made on the cross.
The pastor’s message built upon the previous week’s sermon about the sacrifice of Christ, which covers our sins and makes us new, even when we make the same mistakes repeatedly. We should recognize our sins and strive to change, but not dwell on them. Jesus died for those sins, knowing we would commit them.
So, as you go out into the world, remember that you are a spiritual being. Everything you touch, do, and think is spiritual. Be still and know that He is God. Bless others as you bless yourself, and do everything as if you’re doing it for God.
You be blessed!