Top o’ the Mornin’ to Ya!

Today we’re diving into the topic of spiritual gifts as described in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. The Greek word used here translated to “gifts” literally means “pertaining to the spirit” – so what abilities has God given you to build up the church and bring Him glory?

The passage lists several gifts:
– Word of wisdom
– Word of knowledge
– Faith
– Gifts of healing
– Effecting of miracles
– Prophecy
– Distinguishing of spirits
– Various kinds of tongues
– Interpretation of tongues

These can be categorized as speaking gifts (prophecy, knowledge, wisdom, teaching, exhortation) and serving gifts (leadership, helps, giving, mercy, faith, discernment).

Personally, I believe my primary spiritual gifts are teaching, leadership, wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. I’m constantly drawn to opportunities to teach, coach, and mentor others, whether in my career as a software engineer or on YouTube and in life.

The key is to use our gifts both inside and outside the church walls. They should be evident in our everyday lives, attracting others to the message of the gospel. Some are called to serve within the church body, while others are meant to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the community. Both are vital!

The goal in exploring our spiritual gifts is ultimately to bless others and build God’s Kingdom. It’s not about personal pride or pressuring others to conform to a certain mold.

So I encourage you to dig into these passages, pray for discernment about how God has uniquely equipped you, and look for opportunities to put those gifts into action. And if you aren’t saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, is now your time? Reach out to me and I’ll help you commit that for yourself.

If you’re interested in going deeper in community, I’d love to have you join my Kingdom Family Leaders Mastermind group!

Let’s spur each other on as we use our God-given abilities to make an eternal impact.

You be blessed!

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