Top o’ the Mornin’ to Ya!
I’m excited to kick off a series discussing Dave Ramsey’s seven Baby Steps for Financial Success. Over the next seven days or so, we’ll dive into each step in more detail.
The good news is that financial freedom and peace are more about behavior than complex math or physics. If you struggle with those subjects, you can still excel with money by following some basic principles and focusing on improving your financial habits. I’m constantly working on my own behavior in this area.
It’s concerning that 46% of Americans can’t afford a $500 emergency, and financial stress is a leading cause of divorce. But by implementing these baby steps, which are a core part of my coaching program, you can break free from that struggle and achieve financial success.
Here’s a quick overview of the seven steps:
1. Save $1,000 for a starter emergency fund
2. Pay off all debt (except the house) using the debt snowball method
3. Save 3-6 months of expenses in a full emergency fund
4. Invest 15% of household income into retirement
5. Fund kids’ college education
6. Pay off the home mortgage
7. Build wealth and give generously
My family is currently focused on steps 4-7 simultaneously. We’ll explore the mindset and behavioral challenges involved in each of these steps. Change can be uncomfortable, but it’s so worth it to give yourself and your loved ones a future of financial peace, freedom, and excitement.
I’m passionate about this stuff and it’s one of the first things I dig into with my coaching clients. Stay tuned as we unpack each step in the coming days!
You be blessed!